2023 DBOSBA School Board Training
UNM-Gallup, Gallup, New Mexico
September 27, 2023 (REGISTER HERE)
2023 DBOSBA Fall Conference
Flagstaff, Arizona
October 26-27, 2023 (REGISTER HERE)
If you are interested in presenting at the 2023 DBOSBA Conference, please Submit Proposal here
Dine Bi Olta School Board Association
Upcoming Trainings:
April 3-4, 2025
Firerock Navajo Casino
(Register Here)
If you are interested in presenting at a 2024 DBOSBA Conference, please Submit Proposal here
What we do...
Support and advocated for local school boards, to promote maximum appropriate educational services for Navajo students schools across the Navajo Nation.
To support, assist, and advocate for local and agency School Boards in their exercise of decisive governing authority in the operation of BIE-Funded, Tribally Controlled schools, and other education related programs.
To promote Navajo Nation's inherent sovereignty by maximum educational involvement to determine the nature, practices and procedures of educational programs serving Navajo Students.
In 1974, Navajo School Board Association, formerly known as Inter-Agency School Board (1969), was officially formed as a non-profit corportation incorporated under the law of the State of New Mexico. The Navajo Area School Board Association, Inc. is established to support and advocate for local school boards, to promote maximum appropriate educational services for Navajo Students in all schools and of the Navajo people generally
Physical Address:
Corner of Morgan Blvd & Tribal Hill Rd., Window Rock, Arizona 86515
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3719, Window Rock, Arizona 86515
Tel: 928-871-5225/5226 Fax: 928-871-5148